Tu BiShvat or the “New Year of the Trees” is Jewish Arbor Day.
It falls on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Sh’vat. In the 17th century, Kabbalists created a ritual for Tu BiShvat that is similar to a Passover seder. Today, many Jews hold a modern version of the Tu BiShvat seder each year. The holiday also has become a tree-planting festival in Israel, in which Israelis and Jews around the world plant trees in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends.
Tu BiShvat at Congregation Emeth
Members of Emeth have celebrated Tu BiShvat in a variety of ways. In some years, Religious School students, in coordination with the City of Morgan Hill have planted a tree in a local park. Another way we celebrate TuBiSh’vat is with an Erev Shabbat community seder and potluck dinner. At the potluck, fruits and nuts from trees are featured.
In 2021, Tu B’Shevat falls on the eve of Wednesday, January 27. Please join us for an Inter-generational Tu B’Shevat Seder online on January 23rd as we celebrate the New Year of the Trees. It is a time when we are reminded of our connection to the earth and our role as caretakers of the environment. We will enjoy a seder with the tastings of different fruits and nuts, stories and songs. For information on attending, please contact membership@emeth.net.
- CLICK HERE for supplies, the Hagaddah, and other Tu B’Shevat activities to enjoy in your home.
- For Placemat CLICK HERE.
- For Tu B’Shevat sedar Haggadah CLICK HERE
1/21/21 ES