Rabbi’s Message to Our Interfaith Families

One of the many blessings I have experienced as your Rabbi has been the opportunity to get to know and to serve the non-Jewish partners of our interfaith families.  You have enriched my own religious experience by giving me opportunities to look at Judaism through your eyes.  In so doing, I am struck more by our similarities than our differences.  We all want a world that is filled with acts of lovingkindness, a world which offers opportunities for all, regardless of religious belief.  We all pray for peace.


As I’ve come to appreciate you more each year,  I especially am grateful to those of you who trust us with your children in our religious school.  Your support and encouragement helps us to transmit the words of Torah from generation to generation. In return, I hope you are experiencing warmth and companionship, and even a spiritual closeness to the Holy One of all of us by being part of the Emeth family. 


During the season of light may you experience God’s Light shining upon you, and may you experience the love of family and community.  I am privileged to be your Rabbi.


​Rabbi Debbie Israel