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Members are invited to support Congregation Emeth by serving on  the Board of Directors or on a committee. This is an opportunity to participate in setting priorities, making policy, and determining activities. Anyone interested in joining a committee is invited to contact its chair.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors represents the lay leadership of the congregation and is ultimately responsible for the congregation as an entity. The board is comprised of the Executive Board (the five officer positions) and a General Board; they oversee all aspects of the congregation. Go to Our Leadership for a list of board members and their positions. Contact:

Building and Grounds

The Building and Grounds Committee supervises the indoor cleaning staff and the outdoor grounds staff as needed, oversees and participates in the upkeep of our building, maintains a list of tasks to be completed, and coordinates quarterly volunteer work days. Contact:


The Communications Committee establishes and maintains effective communication procedures within Emeth and with the broader community. Examples include publication of calendar items and articles in local newspapers and Bay Area Jewish papers, maintenance of the Emeth website, and the bi-annual publication of Emeth's "Kol Emeth" newsletter. Contact:


The Education Committee ensures Congregation Emeth's educational programs promote the development of a strong Jewish identity by members of all ages. Contact: or


The Kitchen Committee establishes and monitors procedures for member use of our kitchen that are consistent with maintaining our commercial kitchen license. Contact:


The Membership Committee works with the board to ensure that Congregation Emeth's activities attract, welcome, and integrate new members while also supporting and retaining current members. The committee engages with prospective members and coordinates special new member events. Contact:


The Ritual Committee directs Congregation Emeth's religious activities, sets dietary guidelines for Emeth-sponsored events, and oversees the Jewish portion of Gavilan Hills Memorial Park in Gilroy. Contact:


Emeth's Sisterhood brings together women of all ages from Congregation Emeth for social, spiritual, and educational events. Through Sisterhood's Rachamim Committee, individual women of Emeth volunteer annually, for a month,  reaching out to shut-ins and providing support to other members in need. For email, inquire within.

Tikkun Olam (Social Justice & Social Action)

The Tikkun Olam Committee coordinates and encourages Congregation Emeth's social justice and community service activities. Social justice activities include participation in the Interfaith Community of South County. Examples of social action activities include feeding those in need and holding food and clothing drives. Contact:

Ways and Means

The Ways and Means Committee ensures Congregation Emeth has the financial and volunteer resources necessary to maintain our programs and staff. Contact:

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785